What is Scoutbook?

Scoutbook is an advancement tracking tool. It also has messaging, forums, service, hiking, camping tracking and calendaring features. Units do not have to subscribe to Scoutbook, it is a free service provided to every unit. It is an optional service provided by the Boy Scouts of America. 
Troop 11 uses Scoutbook and all of its features to communicate with scouts, parents and leaders.

Scoutbook How To's

Here are some very helpful links for parents and leaders and how to use Scoutbook.Starting February 1, 2019, all Scoutbook users who have my.Scouting accounts will be required to connect in Scoutbook to their my.Scouting accounts, if they have not done so before. Please note, your account will not be deleted but you will be locked out of Scoutbook.Login issues are usually resolved by resetting your password. On the Scoutbook login prompt select Forgot Password or MyScouting User Name?

If you are still stuck, email Member Care at scoutbook.support@scouting.org or call at 972-580-2489 between 7 am – 7 pm CT, Monday - Friday. Include your name, email and BSA number.

Scoutbook For Parents

Parent Invites Scout to Connect.  These instructions will guide parents through the process of setting up your Scoutbook account and grant access to your Scout. 

Parents Grant Access for their Scouts Scoutbook Account

Only parents can grant access for Scouts to view their Scoutbook record. From your Scout’s edit profile link on the Scout’s page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Invite to Connect” and enter the Scout’s email address.  These instructions are around the 12-minute mark in the video.

Here is a printed guide that will help.


A parent is the only one who can give a Scout access to their records online.
The Scout needs to be registered in a unit.

Make sure the parent is connected to the Scout account / record in the Scout’s Connections page. Also make sure the parent has the Parent/Guardian connection role with either Full Control or Edit Profile permissions.

How Parents Ad Scouts to Scoutbook

The parent can then login to Scoutbook and edit the profile of their Scout and click the option at the bottom of the page to allow their Scout to connect to their own account. The Scout will need their own email account. A temporary password will be sent to them.

Password for Scouts to Join Scoutbook

NOTE: If a parent does not see the Invite Scout to Connect button at the bottom of the Scout’s Edit Profile Screen, then the Scout has already been invited and an account has already been setup for them with their email address as his User Name. Go to the Messaging Center and click on the Scout’s name, unclick the BCC option and send the Scout an email to log into Scoutbook. They can use the Forgot Password? option on the login window to reset their password if they forgot it.

Here are some direct support links.

Communication - how to send emails

How to Use Scoutbook Advancement

Scoutbook for Leaders

Feature Assistant Extension (adds features to Scoutbook)

Additional Features in Scoutbook are available when using this tool. It works seamlessly with Scoutbook and provides extra options right in Scoutbook pages when you are logged in.

Note: This tool is Volunteer created and maintained. It is not maintained by BSA. For assistance, please ask your question on the Scoutbook forums. to get to the Scoutbook forums, log into Scoutbook, and select the Forums link.

What is it?
An extension is an add-on tool that is installed into your browser that can provide some time saving features. This extension is available for Chrome desktop browsers, and the add-on for Firefox browsers both mobile and desktop. Once installed, it is automatically updated when new versions become available. This tool has been developed by a volunteer and is the responsibility of the volunteer for issues and support.

The focus of this extension is to provide time saving features to users of the Scoutbook Tool. It is hoped that the life of this tool will be short and that Scoutbook is able to integrate these feature concepts. This tool is simply an interim workaround to some needed features

Here is a detailed guide on how to use and install this extension.


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