Last updated: September 4, 2015
Mission Statement
It is the mission of Boy Scouts of America Troop 11 to minister to its Scouts and their families through the Scouting program established by the Boy Scouts of America, with a Christian centered program supervised by trained leaders that lead by example. Emphasis will be on our duty to God, our country and to others.
The subject document is the general policies and procedures for Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 11. It is for the use of Scouts and their parents and for prospective Scouts of Troop 11. Parents and Scouts should be familiar with this document and retain it for your future reference and use.
BSA – Troop 11 is sponsored by First Presbyterian Church, 5300 Main St., Houston, Texas 77004. The Troop is open to all boys regardless of where they attend school or their faith. The liaison between the Troop and First Presbyterian Church is the Charter Organization Representative (COR) and is approved by First Presbyterian and BSA. The Institutional Organizational Head (IH) is appointed by the chartering organization. Both the COR and IH have approval authority for adult leaders within the Troop.
Troop 11 and its success depend on the service of volunteers. Our Scoutmaster (SM) and Assistant Scoutmasters (ASM) provide the direct adult leadership to the Troop and its Scouts. A current roster lists the adult and youth leaders, in addition to the Troop Committee. Our Troop Committee is under the direction of the Committee Chair (CC) and comprised of adult members (MC). It is a requirement of the Chartering Organization that the Chartered Organization Representative be a member of First Presbyterian Church and that either the Scoutmaster or the Committee Chair also be a member of First Presbyterian Church. These positions will be filled upon the approval of the Institutional Head or as the Youth Ministry Committee or as the Session directs.
WHEN YOUR SON JOINS SCOUTING, YOU JOIN SCOUTING. This is very important as the Scout Troop depends on its Volunteer Leaders. Each family is encouraged to register at least one adult as an adult leader when their son joins the Troop. Many opportunities exist for service, AND IT IS FUN!
To support our sons, each parent should:
- support and encourage your son to participate fully in Scout, Troop and other special activities,
- be familiar with the Advancement Program outlined in his Scout Handbook,
- attend Courts of Honor and other special troop functions,
- attend troop meetings whenever possible, and are encouraged to:
- spend at least two weekends each year providing transportation for the troop,
- serve on Boards of Review as needed,
- be a member of the troop committee. This directly benefits your son and the rest of the Troop. It provides encouragement to your son and makes our Troop stronger!
- plan and organize special programs such as a family campout or picnic, fund raiser, special project or field trip,
- become a Merit Badge Counselor for one or more of the merit badges.
- complete adult training and serve as a uniformed leader,
- attend campouts, once you have completed adult Scoutmaster training.
A Scout is responsible for his own conduct at all times. He is expected to take the Scout Oath and Law seriously and exhibit those ideals in his daily life.
Expectations of the scout are to:
- Live the Scout Oath and Scout Law daily.
- Show Scout Spirit.
- Follow the Boy Scout rules and safety guidelines at all times.
- Respect all adult leaders and fellow scouts.
- Actively participate in Scouting meetings and activities.
- Assist in the coordination of Scouting activities.
- Show rank advancement progress.
- Respect all troop and other persons’ equipment.
- Wear the uniform properly.
- Be a team player within the Patrol and the Troop.
It is the policy of the Troop Committee that in order to demonstrate Scout spirit for advancement, the Scoutmaster should consider whether the Scout has attended at least 50% of all Troop meetings and 50% of all campouts since his last advancement, and has demonstrated respect for both fellow Scouts and adult leaders. The Advancements Chair and/or Troop Scribe will provide a report of the Scout’s participation.
Adults are encouraged to obtain training and to continue their education throughout the year at various training sessions.
Youth leaders (Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders, Patrol Leaders)
- Complete in in-person “Junior Leader Training” offered by the Troop
- Complete the in-person “National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)”
- Complete in in-person “Junior Leader Training” offered by the Troop
- Complete the in-person “First Aid/CPR” course
- Complete the in-person “Wilderness and Remote First Aid” course
- Complete the in-person “National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)”
Parents and other adults that want to participate in Troop campouts:
Parents of new Scouts are invited to go camping with the Troop to see what it’s like. Parents must take three online courses to go camping. Each course is 20 -30 minutes long.
- Complete online Youth Protection Training
- Complete the short online “This is Scouting” training course
- Complete the short online “Fast Start: Boy Scouting” training course
To camp continuously with the Troop, to attend summer camp, to go on a Troop high adventure trip, or to mentor Scouts on advancement, parents should become Assistant Scoutmasters. See paragraph 5.4 below.
Troop Committee members:
- Be a registered member of the BSA
- Complete online Youth Protection Training
- Complete the short online “This is Scouting” training course
- Complete the short online “Fast Start: Boy Scouting” training course
- Complete the online Committee Member Specific Training
Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters
- Be a registered member of the BSA
- Complete online Youth Protection Training
- Complete the short online “This is Scouting” training course
- Complete the short online “Fast Start: Boy Scouting” training course
- Complete the in-person “Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Specific Training”
- Complete the in-person “Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS)”
- Complete the in-person “First Aid/CPR” course
- Complete multiple activity-specific online courses (such as “Weather Hazards”, “Safe Swim Defense”, “Paddle Afloat”, etc.)
- Complete the in-person “Wilderness and Remote First Aid” course
- Complete the in-person “Wood Badge” course
A Scout should always wear the appropriate uniform. For Boards of Review, a scout is required to wear his Field “Class A” Uniform.
Field Uniform or “Class A”
Every Scout is required to wear an official BSA Field (Class A) Uniform to most Troop meetings and activities and while the Patrol or Troop is traveling as a group. Scouts in Troop 11 wear the purple neckerchief and merit badge sash only at Courts of Honor, Scout Sunday or other special ceremonies. The uniform is available at any one of several Scout Shops in the Houston area. Used uniforms, donated by troop members, may be available from time to time. Check with the Adult Quartermaster for availability.
Troop provides the following (the Scout must replace lost items):
- 1 pair shoulder loops
- 1 Scout Handbook
- 1 handbook cover
- 1 knot tying kit
- 1 purple neckerchief
- 1 neckerchief slide
- 1 patrol patch
- 1 unit number/veteran unit patch
- 1 SHAC patch
- 1 world crest patch
- 1 world crest ring
- 1 Troop tee shirt
- 1 name tape
Scout Provides:
- Scout shorts or long pants
- Scout socks
- Scout web belt
- Appropriate footwear
- Merit badge sash (needed when three or more merit badges are earned or upon earning the First Class rank)
- Short-sleeved khaki Scout shirt (long sleeves optional)
- Arrow of Light award patch (if earned in Cub Scouts)
- Embroidered religious award square knots earned in Cub Scouts, if any.
Activity Uniform or “Class B”
The Activity (Class B) Uniform may be worn for outdoor activities, campouts, service projects, and at Troop Meetings immediately following weekend campouts where the scout participated.
- Troop t-shirt (available for purchase from Troop – 2 recommended)
- Scout Shorts (long pants optional)
- Scout socks
- Scout web belt
Scouts should label their Scout Handbook with their name on the outside edge and bring it to all meetings, activities and campouts. The Troop provides each Scout with one copy of the Scout Handbook. The Scout must replace lost handbooks.
The Scout is responsible for his own personal equipment for camping and eating, such as sleeping bag, mess kit and clothing.
The Troop provides camping equipment such as cooking equipment, supplies, stoves, etc. Two-Man tents may be available on a first come-first served basis. The Scout is responsible for returning borrowed tents in DRY, clean, and properly packed condition. Damage to the Troop’s equipment is the Scout’s responsibility, but ultimate liability for the damage lies with the parent or guardian.
Troop 11 registered Scouts and adults are covered by insurance through the Boy Scouts of America as a secondary coverage to your own personal insurance coverage. This is for accidental injuries that are sustained while participating in approved Scouting functions. This coverage is included in the yearly registration fee.
The purpose of all required medical forms is to provide a high level of safety for participants and to allow treatment to proceed when necessary in case of accident and/or sickness. These are required of all Scouts. Scouts cannot attend campouts without providing a completed BSA medical form, parts A & B.
A physician-signed BSA medical form parts A, B and C are required of all Scouts and Adults that participate in summer camp, winter camp, our semi high adventure treks, and high-adventure treks.
Annual Registration Fees
The annual registration fee is an amount collected to register the Scout at the local and national level for one year. It includes costs for the national registration, a subscription to BOYS LIFE magazine for the year and accident insurance. BSA Registration Fees are paid by the troop on behalf of each Scout. Note that none of your registration fee goes to the Sam Houston Area Council. The council is funded only by donations such as Friends of Scouting.
Dues are collected in September each year at annual registration or when a boy joins the troop. Dues for the year cover the annual registration fees and various supplies needed for the operation of the Troop. They may include by way of example, Scout Handbooks and covers, uniform items provided by the Troop, rank and merit badges, specialty foods, special program costs, court of honor supplies, paper items, troop equipment/patrol box replacement items, propane, etc. Dues are determined by the Troop Committee in October of each year and are not pro-rated.Weekend Campouts
Generally, Troop 11 has a campout every month except during the summer. It is common to have 35 to 45 days of camping throughout the year.
1. All weekend camping trips have an activity fee that includes the cost of transportation, food at the camp site (does not including food for travel to and from the campout) and entrance fees. All Scouts attending the campout will pay this fee regardless of how or with whom they traveled, when they arrive or when they leave. Any fees for special events during weekend camping trips (rappelling, canoe rental, etc.) will be identified and collected with the activity fee in advance. Camping fees may be paid by cash or check payable to BSA Troop 11 or from the Scout’s “Scout Account”, if the Scout has sufficient positive balance to cover the expense. If you commit to going on a campout you will be responsible for payment for your participation, whether you go or not. Food will be purchased and arrangements will be made that, in most cases, cannot be refunded. Please be considerate of others that are responsible for food purchase and trek plans. The Treasurer is authorized to deduct any unpaid fees from a Scout’s Scout Account.
2.An event invitation with the total fee to be charged will be distributed via multiple communication channels (e-mail, website, announcements at meetings, etc.) at least two weeks in advance of a trip. Registrations must be completed by the deadline indicated on the invitation. Participation if registering after the deadline is not guaranteed.
3. Plan to have pocket money available to purchase meals in transit and other miscellaneous items. Each Scout is responsible for managing his own expenditures.
4. Scouts not registering and paying the activity fee by the deadline may not be able to go on the campout.
5. Patrols are to obtain an accurate count of Scouts expected to attend the trip and purchase camp food for their patrol within the Patrol Food Budget Amount revised annually at the October TC meeting. Food purchases should be made within two days of departure for freshness and to adjust for gains/losses in the number attending. Food purchases will be reimbursed by the Treasurer as outlined in the Reimbursement Policy (see Section 14).
Family Campouts
Fees and Procedures for Family Campouts will be outlined in the event flyer.
Summer and Winter Camp
Summer and Winter Camp fees include the camp, food at camp, shirt and cap made for the particular event and transportation. The cost depends on the camp selected. Permission forms and information about Summer Camp are distributed at troop meetings, via email to parents, and posted on the troop web pages. Registration and final payment must be made by the deadline, included with the registration material. Camp fees are generally non-refundable, except in the case where the Troop receives a refund.
Spring Break and High Adventure Trips
The cost of and what is included in these longer term camping opportunities are estimated by the Person-In-Charge (PIC), approved by the Troop Committee and stated on the information distributed at troop meetings, via email to parents, and posted on the troop web page. All fees for these longer term camping trips are collected in advance of when payment is due according to the payment schedule provided by the PIC.ADULT FEES AND PROCEDURES
Annual Registration Fees
The annual registration fee for adult leaders is paid for by the Troop. It includes costs for the national registration, a subscription to Scouting magazine for the year and accident insurance.TrainingRegistration fees for adult training are not reimbursed by the Troop.Weekend Campouts
1. Adult leaders do not pay weekend camping fees, unless they are the assigned ASM for new boy patrols eating with the patrol. They must have themselves included in the patrol count to determine the correct amount of food to purchase. Adults who are not the assigned ASM are to eat with the adult patrol generally where the food procurement/cooking assignments are split by meals. Adults may be asked to pay fees for special events during weekend camping trips (rappelling, canoeing rental, etc.)
2. Adult leaders should follow the instructions on the invitation to register before the registration deadline.
3. All Adults must be trained in order to participate in a weekend campout. (See TRAINING Section 5.)
Family Campouts
1. All adults and siblings attending FAMILY CAMPOUTS must pay the adult activity fee including fees for special events. Meals may or may not be provided depending on the information given in the event invitation.
2. Adults and siblings should register and pay for the FAMILY CAMPOUT following the instructions on the invitation before the registration and payment deadlines. Fees can be deducted from the adult’s Reimbursable Account or son’s Scout Account.
3. Adults are not required to be trained in order to attend a family campout (see TRAINING Section 5).
Summer and Winter Camp
1. Adult leaders do not pay SUMMER OR WINTER CAMP Fees.
2. Adult leaders should notify the Person-In-Charge (PIC) of their willingness to attend SUMMER OR WINTER CAMP in January, if possible.
3. All Adults must be trained in order to participate in SUMMER OR WINTER CAMP (see TRAINING Section 5).
Spring Break and High Adventure Trips
The cost of and what is included in these longer term camping opportunities are estimated by the Person-In-Charge (PIC), approved by the Troop Committee and stated on the information distributed at troop meetings, via email, and posted on the troop web page. All fees for these longer term camping trips are collected in advance of when payment is due according to the payment schedule provided by the PIC. Fees are generally nonrefundable, unless the troop receives a refund. All Adults must be trained in order to participate in SPRING BREAK AND HIGH ADVENTURE TRIPS, unless they are designated a FAMILY CAMPOUT (see TRAINING Section 5).
Siblings and adult family members may not attend any Troop activities, except those events designated Family Campouts or Activities, unless they are registered as a Boy Scout, Venture Scout, or trained adult leader with the Boy Scouts of America.
1. All siblings attending FAMILY CAMPOUTS must pay the youth activity fee including fees for special events. Meals may or may not be provided depending on the information provided in the event invitation. See 12.4 above for fee information.
2. Siblings are not required to be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America in order to attend a family campout.
Patrol Food, Campsite Fees and Other Costs
1.Receipts or contracts for campsite fees, transportation costs, patrol food and other costs associated with a campout or trip should be submitted for reimbursement or payment directly to the Treasurer.
1. The Scoutmaster, the Person in Charge (PIC) and any person performing special driving duty (shagging canoeist) will be reimbursed the mileage reimbursement rate per mile for actual miles traveled. In addition, any person pulling a trailer for the convenience of the Troop (gear, canoe, flatbed, etc.) will be reimbursed at twice the Troop mileage reimbursement rate per mile for actual miles traveled.
2. Requests for mileage reimbursement should include the mileage one way, who drove trailers and any special fees paid (tolls and parking).
Timing of Expense Reimbursement
Receipts for reimbursement and mileage information must be submitted for payment within 45 days after the event or they may not be reimbursed. All participants’ fees must be collected and submitted to the Treasurer before any reimbursements can be made. Reimbursements cannot be made for expenses submitted after refunds have been made to the participants.
The Troop Committee oversees fundraising activities which cover costs of new equipment, supplies and other associated costs related to Troop operations. Scouts are expected to take an active part in fundraising, an important function which benefits all of the Scouts.
Accounts, maintained by the Troop Treasurer which allow a Scout to defray the costs of High-Adventure, Mini-High-Adventure and other short- and long-term camp events. The Troop Committee may decide to share a portion of the funds, directly attributable from fundraising, with each Scout who participates by crediting that amount to the scout’s Scout Account. Money in the scout’s account may only be used like a voucher for “scout” activities, camping equipment and Eagle projects. Reimbursements for camping equipment may be subject to the Troop Committee’s approval. Scout Accounts may not be used to purchase personal items, not camping related. If there is a balance in the scout’s account when a scout leaves the troop, the balance is transferred to the Troop’s general fund. Contact the troop treasurer or committee chair for further information. Only funds from troop fundraising activities will be deposited into the scout account.
Accounts set up to track reimbursements for costs of campouts or mileage for the convenience of the troop adults. The balance in these accounts may be withdrawn at any time.
Financial support programs are available for Scouts that otherwise could not attend long term camping opportunities. Please discuss this with the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair, if the need arises. Any such consideration will be of a confidential nature.
ADULTS: Including all adult leaders and parents are required to be positive role models for our youth. It is the policy of the Troop to prohibit all illegal drug use of whatever nature and to ban use of tobacco products and alcohol while on campouts and while associated with the Scouts.
YOUTH: Troop 11 prohibits the discretionary use of any non prescription drugs at all times. No exceptions. Any prescription medicine must be registered with the Troop, IN ADVANCE, to avoid any misunderstanding. This is the responsibility of the parents and the boys. A Scout or visitor on a troop function found to be in possession of drugs (not covered above and pre-registered) or any tobacco or alcohol, will be subject to immediate disciplinary action pursuant to Troop policy. Any youth who will be taking prescription or non prescription medication at a Troop function must preregister same with the event’s Person-In-Charge. Any drug must be kept in its original container and have dose information on the container. Medication in possession of the Troop will be administered pursuant to the directions supplied in the registration.
It is a requirement of the Troop that our Scouts be well-behaved and respectful to adults, each other, and other’s property. All members of Troop 11 are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Scout Oath, Scout Law, the Scout Slogan and the Outdoor Code. For example, bad language, vandalism, alcohol or drug use, improper or unwanted touching/hitting, not following directions of an adult or youth leader, harassment, stealing, reckless misconduct or general misbehavior, are subject to discipline at the discretion of the Scoutmaster or his delegate. Minor infractions will be handled “on the spot” by a designated adult leader. However, a serious infraction will result in a conference with the Scout and his parent and the Troop Committee. The resulting form of disciplinary action shall proceed as follows:
1st infraction Scout alone conference with Green Bar
2nd infraction Scout alone conference with Scoutmaster and adult leader
3rd infraction Scout and parent conference with Troop Committee
4th infraction Scout and parent suspension from Troop 11
5th infraction Scout and parent dismissal from Troop 11
Consequences, which may be imposed by the Green Bar, Scoutmaster or Troop Committee may include:
Discussion or special reports of the incident, verbal or written
Verbal or written apologies to those involved and/or the Troop
Extra work, or required participation in activities or projects reflecting the Scouting program
Restitution for damaged property
Dismissal from the function and being sent home
Probation from Troop
Disciplinary matters will not be discussed outside of the Troop without the consent of the Troop Committee. While it is the policy of the Troop Committee to impose progressive discipline, that is, warnings first, then suspension or expulsion, there may be instances where an offense is severe enough to warrant a suspension or expulsion on a “first offense,” if the Scoutmaster and the Committee determines that expulsion is appropriate. Major disciplinary action will be imposed after notification to the parents. If serious misbehavior occurs on a camp out, a parent will be called to pick up their Scout. If vandalism or destruction to property is an issue, restitution may be ordered. Corporal punishment is not an appropriate discipline under any circumstance.